




In April, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un met with South Korean leader Moon Jae-in for the first time. Later in June, US President Donald Trump plans to meet with Kim Jong-un as well. Many hope that these meetings will get North Korea to stop its nuclear weapons program. But why are nuclear weapons such a big deal?

Nuclear weapons are extremely dangerous. Most bombs can destroy buildings, but a nuclear weapon can destroy a whole city. What is worse, after the explosion there is deadly radiation that makes people, animals and plants very sick for years. How does a nuclear explosion work? Inside the bomb, there are certain kinds of atoms. These atoms have a lot of energy inside them. A nuclear bomb releases all that energy.




眾所矚目的南北韓會談在板門店停戰村南韓轄區的「和平之家」(Peace House...
眾所矚目的南北韓會談在板門店停戰村南韓轄區的「和平之家」(Peace House)舉行,南韓首爾民眾在市政廳前觀看轉播,並拿出手機翻拍電視牆。 中央社





During World War II, the United States built the first nuclear weapons. In August 1945, the US dropped two of those bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Both cities were destroyed and poisoned with radiation for many years. Since then, several other countries have made nuclear weapons, but no one has used them in a war.

Because nuclear weapons are so dangerous, many countries have decided to regulate their use. As of 1970, over 190 countries, including the US, the UK, the Soviet Union, France and the Republic of China, had joined the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). By joining, these countries agreed that they should not keep their weapons forever. In fact, some countries, like South Africa, have already given up their nuclear weapons.

美國在第二次世界大戰期間製造了人類的第一個核子武器,並於1945 年8 月,在日本投下兩顆原子彈,摧毀了廣島、長崎,使這兩座城市多年遭受輻射危害。此後雖有其他國家製造核武,但沒有當作戰爭的武器。

有鑑於核武具毀滅性,許多國家認為應加以規範。截至1970 年,包括美國、英國、蘇聯、法國、中華民國在內的190 多國,加入了禁止核武擴散條約,同意不會永久持有核武。事實上,南非等許多國家,早已放棄發展核武。





Some countries still have nuclear weapons and may even be making more today. For example, India, Israel and Pakistan never agreed to join the NPT in the first place. There are many who believe that Pakistan and India are creating more weapons now. North Korea left the treaty in 2003. They have been testing their new missiles recently. In September 2017, they held the sixth test of their nuclear weapons.

Recently North Korea has offered to stop its nuclear weapons program. With so many tests held just last year, some people find this hard to believe. Its neighbor, China, is supportive of North Korea’s denuclearization and has offered to help the leaders of North and South Korea meet with each other, as well as the United States. President Trump has said that he thinks North Korea’s offer to denuclearize is “sincere”.

但另外有些國家不但繼續持有,甚至發展更多核武。例如印度、以色列和巴基斯坦一開始就沒打算簽署NPT,因此很多國家質疑印、巴現已擁有更多核武。北韓在2003 年退出NPT,近年來並屢次進行核彈試射, 第6 次試射是在去年9 月。



兩韓峰會27日登場,並取得重大成果,南韓總統文在寅(右)與北韓領導人金正恩(左)下午簽署板門店宣言,商定停止一切敵對行為;兩人面對媒體時高舉牽起的手,笑容滿面。(南北韓峰會共同採訪團提供) 中央社






to drop a bomb 投下震撼彈

Bombs are bad! So if you drop a bomb, this means that you say something very serious or important.

炸彈是不好的東西,某人drop a bomb,意謂他或她發出了令人震撼的重大消息。


to go nuclear重砲回擊

A nuclear explosion is very big and happens very fast. When you go nuclear, you react to something very strongly.

核彈爆炸帶來立即且嚴重的毀滅,因此如果某人go nuclear,表示他或她做出極度強烈的回應。



英文撰稿╱Sloan Sabbith



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