A friend was singed the paper with her ex. last week.
For so many years they waiting to finish the relationshiop for so long and then they final did it.
Life it’s a short or a long journey?😨
Some urging to jump in and some urging to jump out.
When we were young, we couldn't excactly know what we need sometime.
We met someone or fall in love with some one sometimes just for our parents' need, for the society needs, for the other peopole's opinions.
For maybe the times up, someone just there, someone just because having baby.....
When I was young, I hate people said: oh, we do no longer love each other....
I wondered why people will stop to love that he or she choices one, the love ones the moment that they love so much.
And one day, you found out it happpened in your life...
The one whom you are married one just becasue of the time being and you have to get married one is no longer loved.
Or in the first of beginning it was totally wrong.
And after that, you confused.
If this world really exised what you love one?
It seems so difficult to find someone to met your self's requirement any more.
Everybody's looking for that somthing after you set up so many goals.
One thing that makes it all complete but if this really the love things?
Maybe one day you will find it in the strangest places and the places you will never knew it could be.
I think we pray for God, let him to lead us again.
I think God will lead Angel to us, just open your arms and your heart, but close your eyes...
Hear what your heart tell you what to do...
Painting by Artist Angel Chi
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